Here are some of the other photos I took at Lyme Park. As I said, it was a really great day, and I'd definitely go again as it's so big that there are some things I missed!
The room nearest the entrance. I love the splash of yellow with the reds of the room - it looks very bright and inviting.
I think it says "Dieu et mon droit" which may translate to "God and my right" if I remember correctly from Hampton Court!
Detail of the ceiling and wallpaper in the library. I wanted to live in this room!
Just some light reading...
You can tell I like the details in the ceiling. :)
This was my favourite portrait, along with this girl with a massive dog - though I didn't find anything out about it, or even what era it's from.
And costumes! I love this dress, and the photos just don't do it justice. It has lots of details and is a lovely shade of yellow with white stripes.